1-2-3 Game


Step 1

We want to start this game out as easy as possible! So, initially, you are going to wait for offered attention and then simply say “Three!” and feed your dog (exactly how you would use your marker word “yes” or a clicker). Repeat this process a few times until your dog is eagerly offering attention.

Step 2

Now, to make things a little trickier! We want to add duration to this attention so we need to count a little more! Now, once your dog has offered attention, you are going to say “Two, Three!” and then feed on “Three” just like step 1. Finally, once the dog has mastered two numbers, try counting “One, Two, Three” and feed your dog on “three”!

It is important that your dog maintains eye contact while you count. If she looses attention, stop counting and wait for her to look at you again. Once she does, start counting from the beginning. This teaches her that if she looks away, she missed has missed an opportunity for a treat and the process begins all over again!

If you find your dog is repeatedly failing, make things easier and ditch a number or two! Once she is successful again, try to make things harder again.

Step 3

Once your dog is an expert at counting while stationary, take this on the go! This is an excellent way to get attention with duration while walking with your dog. This creates seamless attention while moving and will strengthen the connection you have on your walks!

See it in Action!


How is this Game useful?

  • Helps you build duration for attention in an easy and fun way.

  • Helps to build connection with your dog stationary as well as on the move.

  • Communicates when the dog is correct as well as when she’s missed out on a treat opportunity.


  • Start this with low or no distractions in the environment.

  • Begin stationary before trying to utilize while walking.