Ready? Get it!

A Fun Game to build Engagement and Attention!


Step 1

Use the word “Ready?” and show your dog a tasty treat.

Step 2

Tease your dog up a little bit and get them really excited about the word and the treat.

step 3

Say “Get it!” and toss the treat about 1-2 feet away from you with some animation.

Repeat the steps as soon as your dog eats the treat!


See it in action!

Why is this game helpful?

  • To help teach loose leash walking.

  • To gain your dog’s attention in new and distracting environments.

  • To burn off excessive energy with a fun and lively game.

  • To help practice recall by building anticipation to come back to you.

  • To create a positive association for situations that might frighten or upset the dog.


  • Use pea-sized high value treats that your dog loves such as meat or cheese.

  • Make sure you use treats that are easily visible to your dog. On a flat surface such as hardwood flooring or asphalt (that way there’s minimal treat searching!)

  • Keep your dog on a leash for safety and management, but do not use a very short leash - you want the dog to be able to move around freely!